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Hold UP ... Hold ON ... WAiT! ... <<<<< 2.21.22 >>>>>

My amusement that even in the change the emergence of familiarity, even that becomes strange.

You know when your trailing down your own personal path and you’re completely certain that you are to be taking different steps at a slight slower pace and then even those steps become very similar The promptness in your assertions to deviate a slight bit more. Becoming careful in your steps and eager to continue trekking and cultivating, as you go along. Specificity in Simplicity becomes of you too, where you are almost too predictable in the unpredictable. Just awaiting and baiting along the next gasp of air that urgently keeps apace with ya. Know the Feeling? Know the Strange feeling of De Ja Vu that covers you. No sure lessons of learning to grasp, that you know of. SO you pace through packing lighter with every sure sign that you’d be finding deeper more interesting parts of you. In the AFTER and the reaching for New Mornings assured by the dew. You can almost be sure it’ll be there to greet you. So what is the different path you are sure to take to slightly set you back on track, in Completion. You are steadily Reaching …. For … Aren’t You?
~ NiNi JO / N2OFFiCiALLY ~

~ What gathers the urge, merged with your assertions to do things a bit different from time to time?



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