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About NiNi JO .....



           A New York  Birthed and heavily Carib-Influenced (Carib-Background), Lovely Woman by the name of NiNi JO.  Her remarkable ability to branch narratives and influences on a plethora of happenings, topics and interests.  YEP!  Always have been a Walking, Talking , Breathiiing  ... LiViNG CONSULTANT.  An Idea Stewardess ... so if your ears are near, your gears will be turning ... For Sure!

           N2OFFiCiALLY ... a compilation of ALL of my  favorite parts-o-life presented to YOU!  From the Food, to the Tunes, to an applied Perspectives on Things that may matter as it pertains to your personal growth and your very own self-development.  Gathering a Growing understanding of how I can contribute and invest in the progression of the overall overlapping communities I'm amongst and all of Humankind.  I'm a thorough believer that there is much that can be done Individually alongside the plenty more that can be done Collectively ... if Intentions all steer in the same direction.

                N2OFFiCiALLY is ... an ALL Around 

      ALL Purpose, 

               ALL Encompassing,

                       ALL Influencing,   

                                ALL Encouraging

                                         ... BRAND. 


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