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Doubting Yourself Again ... Aren't ya...???

It's Amazing how we are more prone to doubting ourselves, the more we have Done/Contributed (with less), have Inspired (unknowingly), and have Certifiably and Undeniably been ... IT!

Look around you. No really ... LOOK around ... YOU. We're constantly assuring the future with the many possibilities and credibility of our many DOings and Makings, constantly. But still ... somewhere in the midst of all of that GOODness we're bestowing onto this world ... DOUBT ... creeps in. We're/You're finding out more than a few things (if you sit back and reassess ... take that time to introspect). You have become all of visionary, muse, and consultant, all in all, yet ... you're still ... doubting. You have challenged and up-jumped the many minds/mines of Creation, yet ... you are still doubting. You have materialized the many means and products intangibility and tangibility that this physical life can present ... yet, you doubt yourself. Your influence near and far, everywhere you go, YOU are a walking, breathing, living GOLDMINE of Information, Intelligence, Reason, Creativity, etc.; people gravitate towards your BEing --- just drawn off your authenticity, everywhere; Inquiring minds want to know every ounce of you, and will expel a gregarious effort to do just that. They are eager to walk with your Purpose, with ya, aside of ya ... Yet ... You still ... Doubt. Time and Time again, you have proven to BE a GO TO, a Problem Solver, a Self Evolver, and even in all OF ... that ... You Doubt. You have surpassed (and are still surpassing) many-a-things that many minds cannot fathom. You're TRUE essence, alone, is abundant. You're natural aptitude FOR ... is wildly, encouraging. You can fall on a scene and leave having granted every individual a great knowingness of themselves without having to say a word ... But still ... there's doubt. Well, do yourself a favor ... STOP DOING THAT SHIT!

... And of course ...

KEEP checking in with YOURSELF and GOD, gotta keep on askin'


~ NiNi Jo ~

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